Beliau dilaporkan menukar pengakuan kepada tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Lumpur terhadap pertuduhan mencuri dua buah buku tersebut.
Beliau, yang diwakili peguam bela Nor Azri Mohd Arif, didakwa mengikut Seksyen 380 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga 10 tahun dan denda, jika disabitkan kesalahan.
Mahkamah menetapkan 18 Jun ini untuk tarikh perbicaraan.
Description from publisher
The bronze fragments of an ancient Greek device have puzzled scholars for more than a century after they were recovered from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, where they had lain since about 80 BC.
Now, using advanced imaging technology, scientists have solved the mystery of its intricate workings. Unmatched in complexity for a thousand years, the mechanism functioned as the world’s first analog computer, calculating the movements of the sun, moon, and planets through the zodiac.
In Decoding the Heavens, Jo Marchant details for the first time the hundred-year quest to decode this ancient computer. Along the way she unearths a diverse cast of remarkable characters-ranging from Archimedes to Jacques Cousteau-and explores the deep roots of modern technology, not only in ancient Greece, but in the Islamic world and medieval Europe.
At its heart, this is an epic adventure story, a book that challenges our assumptions about technology development through the ages while giving us fresh insights into history itself.
Menarik buku ini. Kena cari, beli dan baca! Jangan curi, tolonglah!
Menarik memang menarik, kena carilah buku nih.
salam abg web..cari-cari..jangan curi...hehehe untuk dapatkan ilmu kena mencuri?.
Alaikumsalam sahabat Linda & Sue,
Bayangkan berpuluh ribu buku di MPH Mid Valley, hanya dua buah buku itu sahaja yang dicuri oleh 'Detektif Lim'. Mesti sangat menarik untuk diteliti.
Dalam pada itu, saya benci MPH!
Curi buku? Huh!
Abg web benci MPH? Pasal kes curi buku ni ye... boleh tambah sikit penjelasan "saya benci MPH" tu tak abg web?
Linda, baca sini:
Ada sebab mengapa saya tidak menyukai MPH.
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