Kita sebagai umat Muhammad (S.A.W) dan dengan kesatuan iman, mari doakan semoga aruah Imam Samudra, Amrozi Nurhasyim dan adiknya Ali Ghufron diampunkan Allah dan ditempatkan mereka di syurga yang abadi.
Walaupun (mungkin) tindakan mereka enam tahun lalu kurang betul, namun mereka tetap salah seorang Islam yang dambakan mati syahid. Itu cara mereka. Biar Allah yang menjadi Hakim yang maha adil.
CILACAP, Indonesia: Tiga pengebom Bali, yang didapati bersalah menyebabkan kematian 202 orang dalam letupan di kawasan peranginan Bali enam tahun lalu, menjalani hukuman mati ditembak tengah malam tadi. Ribuan menyertai upacara pengebumian ketiga-tiga militan tersebut, termasuk pemimpin agama Abu Bakar Bashir.
Hukuman itu dilaksanakan selepas lebih seminggu pihak berkuasaIndonesia memaklumkan bahawa mereka akan ditembak awal bulan ini.
Hukuman ke atas Imam Samudra, Amrozi Nurhasyim dan adiknya Ali Ghufron telah dilaksanakan tengah malam tadi, beberapa kilometer dari penjara yang dikawal ketat di pulau Nusakambangan. (Gambar ihsan mSTAR Online)
Al-Jazeera reports: Thousands of people have gathered for the funerals of three Indonesian men that were executed for their role in a deadly bombing on theisland of Bali in 2002 that killed 202 people.
Imam Samudra, Mukhlas and Amrozi were executed by firing squad on the prisonisland of Nusakambangan in central Java shortly after midnight on Sunday.
Their bodies were then flown to their respective home towns - brothers Mukhlas and Amrozi to Tenggulun in Lamongan, east Java, and Imam Samudra to Serang in west Java.
Obama, kembali kepada sifat neutral – JihadIraq

"On behalf of my brothers inIraq , Afghanistan , Somalia , and Chechnya , I offer you what is better for you and us: you return to your previous era of neutrality, you withdraw your forces, and you return to your homes," said an audiotape attributed to Omar al-Baghdadi, head of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq.
The message also said the "unjust" wars launched in Muslim countries were the "principal cause of the collapse of the economic giant."
On Friday afternoon (14 Nov. 2008) Obama called foreign heads of government from Egypt, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Spain and Saudi Arabia, after speaking Thursday with leaders of Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico and South Korea.
With his Kenyan father and white American mother, his upbringing inHonolulu and Jaka rta , and his Ivy League education, Obama's early life experiences differ markedly from those of African-American politicians who launched their careers in the 1960s through participation in the civil rights movement. (Wikipedia)
Expressing puzzlement over questions about whether he is "black enough," Obama told an August 2007 meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists that the debate is not about his physical appearance or his record on issues of concern to black voters. Obama said that "we're still locked in this notion that if you appeal to white folks then there must be something wrong.” (Wikipedia)
His full name is Barack Hussein Obama.
Walaupun (mungkin) tindakan mereka enam tahun lalu kurang betul, namun mereka tetap salah seorang Islam yang dambakan mati syahid. Itu cara mereka. Biar Allah yang menjadi Hakim yang maha adil.
CILACAP, Indonesia: Tiga pengebom Bali, yang didapati bersalah menyebabkan kematian 202 orang dalam letupan di kawasan peranginan Bali enam tahun lalu, menjalani hukuman mati ditembak tengah malam tadi.
Hukuman itu dilaksanakan selepas lebih seminggu pihak berkuasa
Hukuman ke atas Imam Samudra, Amrozi Nurhasyim dan adiknya Ali Ghufron telah dilaksanakan tengah malam tadi, beberapa kilometer dari penjara yang dikawal ketat di pulau Nusakambangan. (Gambar ihsan mSTAR Online)
Al-Jazeera reports: Thousands of people have gathered for the funerals of three Indonesian men that were executed for their role in a deadly bombing on the
Imam Samudra, Mukhlas and Amrozi were executed by firing squad on the prison
Their bodies were then flown to their respective home towns - brothers Mukhlas and Amrozi to Tenggulun in Lamongan, east Java, and Imam Samudra to Serang in west Java.
Obama, kembali kepada sifat neutral – Jihad

"On behalf of my brothers in
The message also said the "unjust" wars launched in Muslim countries were the "principal cause of the collapse of the economic giant."
On Friday afternoon (14 Nov. 2008) Obama called foreign heads of government from Egypt, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Spain and Saudi Arabia, after speaking Thursday with leaders of Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico and South Korea.
With his Kenyan father and white American mother, his upbringing in
Expressing puzzlement over questions about whether he is "black enough," Obama told an August 2007 meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists that the debate is not about his physical appearance or his record on issues of concern to black voters. Obama said that "we're still locked in this notion that if you appeal to white folks then there must be something wrong.” (Wikipedia)
His full name is Barack Hussein Obama.
abg web, xtau lak kt indonesia ada hukuman mati guna senjata api. kalau kt tempat kita, gantung smpi mati je. haha, xtercapai akal den nk mengulas. yg obama tu, hrpn kita agar dia xjd mcm bush la pasni. kita, sadiksensei hanya biasa2 sj. muahahahaha.
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