Blog ini membicarakan soal buku, bahasa dan dunia penerbitan secara khusus. Ini sebagai dedikasi kecintaan saya terhadap buku dan ilmu. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua. Dalam masa yang sama ia juga merangkumi kembara kerjaya dan persoalan kehidupan.

Belum lagi habis saya membaca buku Sins of the Father: The Life & Crimes of George Bush, Sr dengan perasaan mual (tetapi terus membacanya), ‘terjumpa’ pula buku ini; What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception. Buku yang kedua ini mengenai George Bush si anak pula. Sama sahaja bapa dan anak, sama-sama menyusun konspirasi merosakkan Amerika, dunia Islam dan menghancurkan demokrasi.

Di bawah ini saya sertakan sedutan artikel dari terhadap buku
What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception.

"Scott McClellan might have better served the American people by speaking out about the mistakes and blunders he witnessed in the Bush White House as they happened, rather than waiting several years and then turning a profit with a tell-all book.

But that would have required McClellan, who press secretary for George Bush, the US president, to resign, and honorable resignation is no longer part of the American political tradition.

Alas, the most recent resignation for the sake of honour by a high-level American official was back in April, 1980. That is when Cyrus Vance, Jimmy Carter's secretary of state, quit to protest the botched hostage rescue attempt in Iran.

And let us not forget the principled Michigan newsman Jerald terHorst, who quit as Gerald Ford's press secretary the day Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. Scott McClellan could have used a bit of terHorst's testicular fortitude."

