Blog ini membicarakan soal buku, bahasa dan dunia penerbitan secara khusus. Ini sebagai dedikasi kecintaan saya terhadap buku dan ilmu. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua. Dalam masa yang sama ia juga merangkumi kembara kerjaya dan persoalan kehidupan.

"Saya tidak terkejut sedikit pun dengan pendedahan Musharraf dalam memoir terbarunya berjudul 'In The Line Of Fire'. Pertama, CIA telah menyogok berjuta-juta dolar untuk Pakistan memburu 369 suspek al-Qaeda dan kedua, ugutan ke atas Pakistan untuk bersedia dibom dan kembali ke zaman batu jika tidak mematuhi Amerika Syarikat.

Walaupun kedua-duanya cuba dinafikan bekas Timbalan Setiausaha Negara AS Richard Armitage tetapi inilah kemelut yang berlaku dalam momokan Islamfobia tajaan musuh-musuh Islam kontemporari."

"Jika mereka mendustakan kamu,maka sesungguhnya rasul-rasul sebelum kamu pun telah didustakan (pula) mereka membawa mukjizat-mukjizat yang nyata ,Zabur dan kitab yang memberi penjelasan yang sempurna." (Quran: Surah Al- 'Imran, ayat 184).

(Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat)

According to Time magazine, Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf holds "the world's most dangerous job." He has twice come within inches of assassination. His forces have caught more than 670 members of al Qaeda in the mountains and cities, yet many others remain at large and active, including Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri. Long locked in a deadly embrace with its nuclear neighbor India, Pakistan has come close to full-scale war on two occasions since it first exploded a nuclear bomb in 1998. As President Musharraf struggles for the security and political future of his nation, the stakes could not be higher for the world at large.

It is unprecedented for a sitting head of state to write a memoir as revelatory, detailed, and gripping as In the Line of Fire. Here, for the first time, readers can get a firsthand view of the war on terror in its central theater. President Musharraf details the manhunts for Osama and Zawahiri and their top lieutenants, complete with harrowing cat-and-mouse games, informants, interceptions, and bloody firefights.

He tells the stories of the near-miss assassination attempts, not only against himself but against Shaukut Aziz (later elected prime minister) and one of his top army officers (later the vice chief of army staff), and of the abduction and beheading of Daniel Pearl -- as well as the forensic and shoe-leather investigations that uncovered the perpetrators. He details the army's mountain operations that have swept several valleys clean, and he talks about the areas of North Waziristan where al Qaeda is still operating.

(Product Description from

